Ikea creates a healthier world

Merry Christmas and wishing you a healthy holiday was the message from Ikea to their employees. 12,400 US Ikea employees received a bicycle for the holidays to use for commuting, recreation, fitness and fun. Just think of the impact this could have on creating and supporting a healthy lifestyle for millions if more businesses provided their employees with the gift of a bicycle.

Comments on: "Ikea creates a healthier world" (2)

  1. Don’t expect anything from Honeywell. I got an email asking for donations and a dish to share or maybe some plastic ware. They no longer provide the annual holiday buffet. Maybe it’s time to work for Ikea…..

  2. Good update, Gwen.Let’s hope the Ikea employees put their bikes to good use. It would be great if this becomes a trend among companies eh? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Rick Kaselj