Do you out eat your exercise?

Most people do and that’s why they gain weight.  Did you know that if you require 2000 calories a day to meet your energy expenditure and you eat 100 calories a day above what you expend you’d gain 10 pounds per year.

Yes, you read that right…if you out eat your daily energy expenditure by 100 calories per day – you are gaining 10 pounds this year. And 200 calories per day above your expenditure – that’s a whopping 20 pounds a year. Doesn’t take much to put on that extra six-pack.

It’s all about calories in and calories out. Check out this informational DVD clip for a reminder on how to determine your calorie needs, BMR, and calorie burning tips.

Comments on: "Do you out eat your exercise?" (2)

  1. Thanks Gwen, I enjoyed that video.

  2. Thanks Gwen For Sharing This Video