There is much to do….

My work continues… a study by Dana E. King, M.D., of the Medical University of South Carolina, and colleagues reported in the American Journal of Medicine that only 8% of the US population today engages in all five healthy behaviors — maintaining a healthy weight, eating fruits and vegetables, drinking alcohol in moderation, exercising, and not smoking — compared with 15% in 1988. It appears we are not making progress in changing the health behaviors of Americans! In fact, we are regressing, in large part due to the increase in the rate of obesity.

The solution…the 24billion dollar question.??? In my opinion there has been too little emphasis on behavior change processes for the overweight, sedentary, and older adult populations. Too little acknowledgement of the social and cultural factors that contribute to inactivity. Too many cutbacks in physical education programs in the schools, and too little responsiblity of the indivual for thier health.

I don’t buy the most professed barriers of “I don’t have time, I’m too busy, it’s not convenient, I have arthritis, it’s too hot or too cold, it costs too much, or I can’t do that…. the key is too start with some activity that you enjoy, do it with a friend and in small doses…then gradually progress. Physical activity is like flossing…not always fun to do or totally enjoyable, but part of the everyday schedule that soon becomes habitual and actually feels good once completed.

So what are you waiting for? No excuses. Just go out and do something and then tell me if you do not feel better when you’ve had a bit of physcial activity. Soon, you too will experience the joy of movement and it will become a life long habit, or I like to think of it as another journey that will enrich life.