Does Sex Sell?

Oh yes, we know it does. I had more comments on my “Sex is healthy” blog then any of the 184 blogs I have written this year, but where and when it is used to sell what….well, there are limits. I’ll let you decide for yourself what you think of these health club ads –

I have a definite opinion about them. I appreciate a fit looking, well sculpted body, but these ads are specifically targeting the heavy testosterone, body conscious, ego driven young male, or possibly female, a very small percent of the population. I don’t think that the 65% of the population who are overweight or obese are going to be signing any time soon, or the significant segment of the population over 50 (well there may be a few studly-thinking old guys who are trying to sack a 20 or 30 something). And these ads are certainly not promoting the major benefits of physical activity…good health, vitality, feeling good, improved quality of life, enhanced aging, disease prevention, better function, I guess those benefits are NOT very sexy. Inappropriate messaging and images for a health and lifestyle industry. 
My vote: TRASHY

Now you decide.