Aging Baby Boomers Cost Hospitals $56 Billion

Alright, I’m talking about this, because I am an aging baby boomer….now let me clarify – the boomers did not cost hospitals $56 billion, they made hospitals $56 billion, the hospitals were reimbursed by the insurance industry. These were not baby boomers without insurance. Hospitals love boomers, they are a tsunami of osteoarthritis, stroke, respiratory failure, irregular heart beat, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, blood infections, and congestive heart failure, knee and hip replacements, and heart bypass surgery, all of which are chronic conditions related to lifestyle choices. The 54-65 year old boomers are requiring an avalanche of medical care. This tipping point could significantly be reversed by selecting simple lifestyle choices like eating less, eating more healthfully, and being physically active everyday. It’s time to start taking responsibility for our health and the run up of health care costs related to poor lifestyle choices. So what are you going to do about this?