Day 1 – Solo, Self-Guided Cycling


Fitted on my sturdy steed for the week I was ready for rain that luckily did not materialize. Only light spitting droplets though out the day, just enough to keep on the rain jacket.


irish breakfast

Following a hearty Irish breakfast that was either going to fuel me for the day or give me a heart attack I left Derry, northern Ireland in the UK. Farewell to a remarkable city with a history of civil strife and occupation.


free derry

Too my surprise, I was accompanied by two sisters from Toronto, Natalie and Cecila (Cecila now living and working in Kuwait), who were riding the same route.

natalie cecelia

Using detailed cue sheets and maps we headed along the River Foyle to the Atlantic in the most northern region of Ireland. Meandering along small country roads, rolling hills and sheep farms to our destination,
the small, quiet town of Moville.


cue card

Day 1 ride

sheep farmers


Upon finding our accommodations at the Cosy Cottage I headed out to the local pub for a pint, a chat with the locals and more hearty Irish food.

cosy cottage

brandon john