Disconnected or Connected?


“What day is it” I ask when chatting on the phone with a friend cruising towards the Wyoming Nebraska border (blue tooth of course, all hands on the wheel and eyes on the road). It is easy to lose track of time meandering across this great expanse of land.


The only cell reception for the past 72 hours is when I am driving near a major highway. “No service” the phone reads at my last 2 campsites. OK with me…until the withdrawal symptoms kick in. I can’t check email, text, read the news, let my key peeps know where I am. A short burst of anxiety quickly passes as I sit listening to the birds, leaves rustle, crickets and frogs begin their evening choral arrangement, watch fish jump and smell the pines. There is no other sound, no distraction. Forcing presence of all senses….disconnected or connected?
