Not all fat is created equal

Body scan of 250# woman vs. 120# woman

Body scan of 250# woman vs. 120# woman

There are two primary types of body fat – subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat lies just below the surface of the skin and insulates the body. Visceral fat, which accumulates around the organs deep inside the belly, is linked to insulin resistance, heart disease, and diabetes. In 2005, Cris Slentz, an exercise physiologist at the Duke University Medical Center, and his colleagues reported that sedentary overweight men and women who followed an exercise program equivalent to a 30-minute walk six times a week for eight months stopped gaining visceral fat. If they increased their exercise routine to the equivalent of jogging 20 miles a week, they lost seven percent of their abdominal fat as well. Surprisingly though, people in the control group, who were not told to increase their exercise, saw their visceral fat increase by nine percent after six months.

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