Cyclist Down!


Yes, one of the risks of cycling is crashing. OUCH! If you ride enough miles it is bound to happen at some point in time. Most long time cyclists each have a personal crash tail of woe. Lots of variables…traffic, close proximity of other riders, wind, rain, ice, road  debris and road conditions, visibility, bike handling skills, attentiveness and yes,  riding on those skinny tires.

Watching one of your cycling team mates or friends go down is a painful experience…and a horrific sight. So do be careful out there on the road, stay alert, and ride safe. Joe…sending you good vibes – heal strong, heal fast. You’ve got a goal buddy – 27 pull-ups – March 14th!


Comments on: "Cyclist Down!" (2)

  1. What an idiot! He should have known better than to ride with that crazy crew.

    Thanks for your help getting though that nightmare, Gwen. There is no one else I’d rather have around when I crash.

    Joe R

  2. Leslie Caldera said:

    I am so glad Joe wasn’t damaged worse.
    Hooray for helmets!