It’s shopping paradise – Italiano style

Oh those so soft leather gloves

When in Venice…shop like the Venetians! This ones’ for Shelley and Cindy and all you women who love to shop! The shopping is endless…Italian leather, Venetian glass, sexy lingerie, the hats, the shoes, and the purses. Wore my new Italian dress, hat and earrings today and someone stopped me to ask for directions…Now that’s Italiano!

Venetian glass - works of color, form, and artistry

Colorful and classy scarves

Very handsome hats

Jazzy jewelry - all hand blown venetian glass

Your color Madame?

Shopping sustenence

Snappy shoes

Racy red venetian glassware

One blissful shopper! That's a hand blown Venetian glass sculpture

Yup, should have left the credit card in the room today. And I thought my suitcase was heavy. Hey I’ve only got one more week to schlep that bag.


Comments on: "It’s shopping paradise – Italiano style" (2)

  1. Cindy Sage said:

    Shopping for labels-I LOVE IT…Reading your blog today was like having a religious experience!!! You shop girl-NOW I really wish I were there!!!

  2. OH yes – I’ve been aerobic shopping, You’d love it!