A beautiful sun shining day

For a ride up Mt. Lemmon…and yes we were one with the wind! Rising from the desert floor to the smell of pines, fall leaves and cool temperatures at 8000 feet…world class climbing…right here in our backyard playground. This is just good living!

Climbing, rhythmic breathing, legs feeling strong, listening to Marvin Gaye and Tami Terrel on my ipod and singing –
“Ain’t no mountain high enough
Ain’t no valley low enough
Ain’t no river wide enough”
To keep me from climbing this mountain

And then the reward at the top….turkey and green chili crepes!

Che vita (what a life)

Comments on: "A beautiful sun shining day" (4)

  1. It actually looks familiar, having just been up that fine road. Wish I were there.

  2. Great photos! Glad you did well with the wind! As for me, I got pushed sideways twice coming down by some strong gusts – usually never brake coming down, but I had to this time.

  3. I re posted this energetic article on the HCD facebook!!

  4. Gwen, perfect timing with the climb and the song. It makes me want to sing too. Amazing view and pictures. Live on and prosper.

    Rick Kaselj
    of ExercisesForInjuries.com