Nudge your lactate threshold using pyramid intervals with constant gearing

I’m a low cadence rider and have been working at increasing leg speed by pedaling a higher cadence in a moderately big gear. I find this pyramid interval with constant gearing challenging and beneficial. It also nudges my lactate threshold and VO2max.

After warming up, begin the interval with a cadence of 85 rpm. Every 60 seconds, maintain your gearing and increase your cadence by 5 rpm. Increase cadence three times on the minute (85 rpm to 90 rpm to 95 rpm – ascending the pyramid)). Then reverse the interval by three times decreasing the cadence by 5 rpm every 60 seconds (95rpm to 90 rpm to 85 rpm – descending the pyramid).

Recovery spin for 5 minutes and repeat for a total of three intervals.

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Comments on: "Nudge your lactate threshold using pyramid intervals with constant gearing" (1)

  1. Thanks, will have to work the pyramid. My only pyramid has been that killer hill on the Pace Bend loop. It’s a good workout with a lakeside stretch as reward.