Morning Serenity

From my window
Shades of tawny yellow
Appear on the tops of the evergreens
Faint light marks the sky

A small congregation of honking geese
Convene others in the small bay
The flight south imminent
As the Celsius gently nudges their departure

Skies of roses abut azul waters
A light mist rising from the calm
Surface water
Warmer than the wisping breeze

Sipping hot tea
Patiently, serenely
Waiting for the day
To crest anew

No where to go
No where to be
Just here
Morning serenity

Comments on: "Morning Serenity" (3)

  1. Lisa Abramson said:

    Lovely picture with sweet evocative poetry!

  2. I second that!

  3. I have been enjoying your blog posts immensely!
    It is like taking a trip to Lake Gitche Gumee….while basking in the desert Monsoon.
    Looking forward to catching up when you are back in the “Baked Apple”