Beyond Relaxed

Ecuador is the land of la hamaca, they come in many colors and fabrics, and they are everywhere – porches, balconies, living spaces, restaurants, hotels, in the jungle and on the beach.
hammock jungle
Yes, the Ecuadorians have figured out the art of relaxing en la hamaca! I cant think of a better way to kick back, put your feet up, chill, listen to the waves, and enter a more tranquil space. In a hamaca one becomes beyond relaxed.
hamock puyo 2

The simple hammock – a sling made of fabric, rope, or netting suspended between two points and used for swinging, resting, or sleeping. Hamacas were first developed by the native inhabitants of Central and South America. By suspending their beds above the ground they were able to avoid harmful snakes, biting insects, and perilous animals.
hammock canoa 5
They were later used aboard ships by sailors for comfort and to maximize available space and more recently used in spacecraft. Today the beautiful hand-woven hammocks of Ecuador are crafted by the various indigenous Indians.
hammock canoa 2

My secret is out – you know where I spend part of my day – communing with la hamaca.
hammock puyoyo

Comments on: "Beyond Relaxed" (1)

  1. Sarah Dahl said:

    I too LOVE la hamaca