It’s all about energy balance!

33% of women and 35% of men are overweight or obese
40% of Americans are on some type of diet
$37 billion dollars was spent last year on weight loss products and programs
We live in an obesogenic environment
Eating calorie dense and nutrient poor foods
There are too many opportunities not to expend energy (remember when you had to physically roll down a car window or push a lawnmower)
There is a 6-fold increase in bariactric surgeries (bariactric surgery is the largest surgical growth area)

Heavy statistics regarding the state of our nation’s weight. So what can one do about this to control weight surge?

It’s all so very simple – maintain energy balance. Which means that the energy (calories) you take in must be balanced by the energy (calories) you expend to maintain weight equilibrium. Eat more calories then you expend you gain weight. Expend more calories then you take in you lose weight. Not exactly rocket science. Make healthy food choices, eat smaller portions and be more physically active! Absolutely no need to spend $37 billion dollars on weight loss products and programs!

Comments on: "It’s all about energy balance!" (2)

  1. Connie Burdett said:

    Great post! Educate yourself about portion sizes…Don't Super Size your meals.

  2. Anonymous said:

    Gwen, this is a test to see if you can see my post. This is set as Anonymous under Comment as:… – Connie