A Case of Coronavirus

The coronavirus is everywhere in Oaxaca and I seemed to have developed a case of it. Yes, Corona flows about as fast as the mezcal and a cold one tastes mighty good after finishing a hike in the Sierra Norte mountains.

Week four sped by (WOW, I’ve been here 4 weeks!) and was filled with a family birthday celebration for Margarita, la duena de mi hostel, a visit to the Museo de Cultura and Monte Alban (the Zapotec archeological site dating from 200ad). 

Margarita’s birthday party
Margarita and la familia at my hostel
Monte Alban
Museo de Cultura

Rented biciclettas and rode to la pueblo de Tule, to view the largest tree en el mundo and spent a day hiking in the Sierra Norte from the pueblo Nerveia to the pueblo Latuvi with a group from the biblioteca. 

Church and tree at El Tule
Hiking in the Sierra Norte mountains

Was invited to a lovely evening gathering by a woman I met in Spanish school who was teaching a writing workshop in Oaxaca. A serendipitous meeting when she introduced herself my first day of class and told me I reminded her of a character, Eugenie, in one of her books. Another intriguing story and more new friends in Oaxaca.

Meeting new friends in Oaxaca

Then there were more Spanish classes, wander abouts, food and mercados.

Tlyuda a Mexican favorite in oaxaca
Oh my look at all these salsas
Chupalinas (fried crickets) at the mercado

Comments on: "A Case of Coronavirus" (1)

  1. Wonderful blog post! I learned a lot!