Van life in the time of covid-19 (part two)

Leaving the open range of northern Colorado and cruising through Torrington, Wyoming listening to ZZ Top, Journey, Billy Joel, the Rolling Stones and good oldies like Beast of Burden and It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me. Don’t need satellite radio when you can pick up the local vibes from the nearest towns. Limited masks in the wide-open spaces of Wyoming and NW Nebraska.

Whole lot of nothing but hay bales and open road in this part of the world.

Camped at Ft. Robinson State Park, NB before heading north into the stunning Black Hills of South Dakota and a refreshing dip at the local swimming hole, Cascade Falls.

Then onto Mt. Rushmore where we were almost the only people wearing masks and social distancing. Not surprising as South Dakota is one of the few states that did not implement stay-at-home.

Please come back…we need you

It was a straight shot on I-90 from western SD, passing Wall Drug and the Corn Palace (been there, done that), to eastern SD landing at Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area for the night.

Restrooms have been spotless, but no masks or social distancing in SD. We continue our ritual practice of masks around others, distancing, hand washing and sanitizing with our spray bottle.