Van life in time of covid (part three)

Crossing the border from South Dakota to Minnesota we spot several stands of trees (yahoo trees) and more farmland. Leaving behind country music, evangelical sermons and anti-abortion billboards. Picked up the first public radio station, symphonic programming. Thank you, Minnesota! Turned over 200K miles in the VW Eurovan. The ole girl is running strong.

Rest stops in Minnesota have all converted to touch free. Automatic, sensor activated flush, soap dispensers, faucets, hand dryers and door openers. I was in and out the rest area without touching anything. We have definitely entering a more Covid aware and a blue leaning state.

More trees, huge forests of hardwoods interspersed with pines, as we make our way north through Minnesota and Wisconsin. Red barns and dairy farms dot the landscape, looking for cheese curds and cheese heads. Inland rivers flowing towards big water and a quiet camp our last night on the road.

And there it is – our first big water, Lake Michigan.

Lake Michigan

Crossing the border to the upper peninsula of Michigan, the UP – home of the Yoopers, big timber and pasties.

I love those Yooper pasties, and with gravy

And there she is – the Mighty Mackinaw Bridge. We were lucky to catch the  Algoma Sault, a 740 ft self-unloading lake bulk carrier, headed to the Sault Locks and on to Thunder Bay, Canada

Algoma Sault

And then 10 miles more… the lake house…2,600 miles from Tucson AZ.