Our greatest pride

January 6, 2021 -Considering the events in the U.S. today I feel it is apropos to post this blog.

The pool where I swim (Acurela) in Oaxaca reopened after being closed for two weeks during the holidays. This small oasis of water has been a sanctity of sanity for me during Covid-19. It is actually a swim school and has two small pools – one for beginning lessons for children and adults and the other for open swim, aqua aerobics classes and adult lessons. The staff is friendly, efficient and dedicated to teaching aquatics and aquatic safety. The facility is taking multiple safety and sanitization measures during Covid-19 including masks, a temperature check, shoe bath, hand sanitizing and a spray sanitizing of any equipment, purses or backpacks before entering the facility. The facility and locker rooms are impeccably clean and constantly spray sanitized throughout the day.

Today I noticed a new sign on the wall titled Nuestro Mayor Orgullo (Our Greatest Pride) when I was leaving the pool area. I have copied it in Spanish below followed by the English translation. It represents what it is like living in Oaxaca, Mexico v.s. in the U.S. at this time. The message reflects the true culture, sincerity and nature of the Mexican people. U.S. take note.

Nuestro mayor orgullo

La Certeza de encontrar

En nuestra labor,

La possibilidad de ser

mejores personas

en nuestras ditintas

areas de crecimineto.


no solo a nadar bien,

sino Tambien a vivir bien

y a mejorar nuestras

posturas ante la vida.

Ofecer el espacio acuatico

como fuente de estimulacion

de las posibilidades humanas,

es nuesrtra vocacion;

la razon mas profunda

de nuestra existencia.

En Acuarela

nuestra ensenanza

es para la vida

todos apendemos

todos nos cuidamos y

nos enriquecemos.

Our Greatest Pride

The certainty of finding

in our work

the possibilities to be

better people

in our different

areas of growth

we teach

not just to swim well

and to improve our

attitudes in the face of life

we offer the water space

as a stimulus

of human possibilities

in our vocation

the deepest reason

of our existence

In Acurela

our teaching 

is for life

we all learn

we all care

and we all are enriched.

Comments on: "Our greatest pride" (3)

  1. Mary Sanders said:

    Wow Gwen, this is powerful and encouraging. Water and the people who dedicate their lives to immersion and dive in education, heal the body and soul. I wish I was there with you, but will carry your message in my heart and share it with other mermaids and merdudes.
    Warm Splashes for a graceful, and fluid year, Mary

  2. Diana Luber said:

    WOW Gwen,
    You and I were with the group from USA that were part of thee First Delegation of Fitness Professional to the Republic of China back in 1986…I am thrilled to know you still profess wellness as well as I do in Syracuse NY owning my our company, Body Management, and credentialed as a Group EX Instructor Specialist in land/aqua with now 44 yrs in the industry having worked world-wide on a cruise ship and Caribbean Resorts, etc etc…and now in a medical ctr in a studio owned by H&O,,Hematology and Oncology teaching to those with cancer and those never having had it…class is Active Aging STRONG,,,I, too, am a member of the Int lCouncil of Active Agers in Canada…I saw your article in the 9/19 issue….glad I finally connected…May the life in you always be strong….because ‘It’s Great to Have a Pulse”…a dianaism

  3. Hello Diana,
    Great to hear from you and all the good work you are still doing. Keep it moving forward.