Watch those portion sizes!

200 calories of apples

200 calories of sesame bagel

Yes, we are the country of BIG – big tucks, big TV screens, big houses, big budgets, bid deficits, big Macs, big portion sizes. America the Super Bowl and the Super Sized! Well it’s time to lean up – in so many ways, but today I’m talking about food choices.

Two simple, yet key, behavior changes that you can make are to:

1.) Decrease portion size – I have found eating on smaller plates helps control the amount of food you dish up and shovel in. Also understading what normal portion sizes look like is helpful.

2.) Select nutrient dense foods versus calorie dense foods. Nutrient dense foods are usually colorful and provide lots of nutrients essential for good health with minimal calories. You know what they are – fruits, veggies, eggs, yorgurt, lean meats, poultry and fish.

This visual, What does 200 calories look like? will help.

200 calories chocolate kisses

Comments on: "Watch those portion sizes!" (1)

  1. Also, don’t eat in front of the TV etc. You tend to stuff yourself with more food than you need. 🙂