"Etre bien dans sa peau"

As the French say -” to feel good in your own skin”. Someone said to me this weekend “only a woman with confidence would walk in with hair like yours.” I guess this meant that he liked my hair – white and wild – or that I was a woman with confidence. Whichever… reflecting on this conversation I realize that I am a queen of “be who you are”, or  just be authentic. The more you are at ease with yourself – your physicality, your emotions, your self expressions, your persona – the more you can reach out to others. There is no way to fully move around and experience the world unless you are comfortable and fully acquainted with yourself. This comfortability, knowing yourself, and being true to yourself allows you to speak freely, act freely, and be free. I am working on it. How about you?

Comments on: ""Etre bien dans sa peau"" (2)

  1. Karen Nelson said:

    It has taken me way too long, but I feel I am finally pretty darn close to being totally comfortable with myself! What a waste all those younger years of concern… trying to be what others or society thinks we should be. I will try to raise my grand-daughter to realize that so much sooner! That is when and if I have a grand daughter!

  2. Carolyn Audilet said:

    You are my idol!