There are no miracle machines…period!

OK, you’ve heard about them… there is the Ab Coaster, Ab Circle Pro, Ab Energizer, Ab Rocket, Sauna Pro Belt, Torso Tiger, Bodyblade, the Burn and Thigh Max, Easy Shapper, the Hip and Thigh Sculptor….and dozens more – just check out the latest fitness equipment infomercial – all extolling bold claims for maximal calorie burn, spot reduction on the abs, hips, and thighs, and a fantastically fit body with only 10 mins a day.
Now, let’s set the record straight – the recommended guidelines for exercise to promote overall health is 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous intensity activity, plus more is needed for weight loss and optimal fitness…and you can not spot reduce specific areas of the body.
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